

by Niels Peter Flint



by Niels Peter Flint

go to NPF bios right away:


or tales from the future

The following pages are designed with the sole purpose of promoting dreams & visions about MICROISM and how



HOW TO LIVE THE GOOD (sensustainable) LIFE.

What is here on this site can be true - can be not so true - can be dreams (a lot of it is) - can be tales that might seem absolutely absurd to you, but nevertheless are based on some kind of facts - somehow. Dont take ANYTHING here for granted - read, see, listen - and hopefully you will get some kind of inspiration to go on developing something that one way or another can make humans focus on the good life - in a way the same as I have done the past 40 years.


Here you will get inspired I hope - to dream - and then to realize some of your new (hopefully) amazing dreams - possibly in new GLOCAL SENSUSTAINABLE NOMAD COMMUNITIES - since that is one of my personal really BIG dreams - to have the possibility to continue my life - like I like it - being a glocal nomade - meeting new people and inspiring each other to find new ways on how to live amazingly with a lot less.

Very concretely I have several properties where I hope to see like-minded people come and live and exchange dreams, work and of course live with lots of love for each other, nature, the plants, the animals, the properties etc. And yes there will be much more about how I see my personal properties develop and what I hope we can achieve together.

The vision in a way is very simple and that is that there will be “likeminded properties” globally where people can live, love and work and show new ways of living to the rest of the world - a kind of very basic “experimentariums” a bit of utopian living - for my part very inspired by fx. BURNING MAN which I attended in 2009 in Nevada.

I dont really want to put any limitations on what and how things can develop - as long as you are en engaged and hones person. We ABSOLUTELY have to start living differently otherwise I doubt there will be a life on this planet for future generations.


After having lived and worked with developing sustainable visions all my professional life - and having seen how complicated it is to do the changes needed - AND seeing how incredibly urgent it is to do much more NOW, I app. 20 years ago started working on promoting what I believe is fundamental for most us humans nowadays - namely to start LIVING AMAZINGLY WITH A LOT LESS - also called MICROISM - since we can do whatever we want in terms of making green this and that - if we dont reduce our sheer AMOUNTS OF MATTER that we consume (and reuse / recycle etc) we wont make it. We simply do not have enough resources and energy-developing possibilities to continue the way we live now - ESPECIALLY IN THE DEVELOPED WORLD AND EVEN MORE WHERE I LIVE - IN DENMARK - and partly FRANCE.

So can we create new visions and concepts and of course concrete “products”, services and ways of living that makes us LIVE AMAZINGLY WITH A LOT LESS - MATTER…. I know we can - and thats what I want to share, develop etc. with likeminded people globally - or glocally…

So for now - and in general on this site - you will find facts and tales, stories and projects - 40 years of mostly my personal dreams, experiences and visions about how we could do it - how we can develop MICROISM.

Right now I have no idea how to develop the communities - and yes I have tried before and failed - but I dont give up that easily. If what you see here on the site resonates with you then feel free to contact me - who knows what can and will happen. I have some physical frames that wants to be filled - maybe you have some frames too - somewhere else on the planet - maybe you want to be part of filling the frames - maybe we make a an association - a global network - what do I know - Im seriosuly open to any new adventures.

This site is under constant development and a fusion of various ways of expressions (and currently just my personal site) - its writing, video, drawing, projects, concepts etc. I might try to make a kind of book project at some point....but thats yet another project.

And in order to make my dreams come true I of course need money OR people who come and help to do work.

To make money myself I have a small parttime job, I also sell my own art and products and will open a small gallery also in Copenhagen - and I do talks and workshops and of course SPLASHFORMANCES - if you want me to come and tell more feel free to go here - OR just contact me directly (see below).

Hope to hear from somne of you

Niels Peter Flint

NPF marts 2017.png

what will you find here - The Cyclesentials, THE NPF CORE VALUES, 1000Y & “lifestyle with planetary meaning”

Below you find a bit about how I work - in order for myself as well for the purpose of communication I have made this basic categorization - I call the below 7 topics the CYCLESENTIALS – this is what we need to consider / integrate / do in order to live sensible and amazing lives in tomorrows world – its components or the main patches of “lifestyle with planetary meaning”.

RITing - We perform rituals and rites of passage - they are essential for humans to emotionally comprehend the big as well as the small cycles of life & death.

EATing - We eat - Most of us cant live without eating - sme claim they can - food and eating is essential in all cultures.

LIVing -  We live and need to live somewhere - we need protection from weather - we need to be able to create physocal structures where we can live together

LOVing - We love - to make love in order to continue humanity

GROWing - We grow on all levels - also grow what makes us grow

MOVing – We move - transport - adjust

WEARing - We wear - most of us protective materials we might call it clothing

So these are my personal “topics or notions” or the essentials for making sure I am designing properly - in cycles.

I consider these various topics when I create visions, concepts, services or maybe products and physical as well as virtual (spiritual ??) frames / concepts – they are the basics and about life – and death – and pragmatic profound spirituality – essentials for creating “lifestyle with planetary meaning” – and then yes its all cycling around forever.

As stated I call the topics The Cyclesentials since they are the essentials for cyclic eternal thinking and designing – But mind you there is more to it of course... within each of the The Cyclesentials you have to add my CORE VALUES - which you can read more about later. Some of them are HEDONISM / EPICURIANISM - CREATIVITY - SENSUSTAINABILITY - RESPONSIBILITY (FACTs & TECHNOLOGY FROM THE PLANET) - ETERNAL TRANSFORMATION (THE 1000Y & ETERNITY MODEL) - each topics you can write endlessly about - you can see all the CORE values if you go to "about NPFlint" - but do that after you have looked through the rest of this page.

So see this a humble attempt to create a kind of system in complex matters about how we can envision and design a future which recognizes, understands and supports all of us as well as nature, the planet, the aliens and not the least the universe.

And to be completely honest - Im not really doing this for me, but for your grandchildren....and their grand grand grand grand grand grand children.








PARTS of a 1000Y MODEL

PARTS of a 1000Y MODEL




The Cyclesentials



LIVING is about where we live - the planet, our cities, our villages, our houses, huts, caravans, shelters, tents, blocks, vans, cottages, caves etc... places where I hope we in a near future will thrive living amazingly with a lot less. SEE MORE CLICK HERE


LIVING is about where we live - the planet, our cities, our villages, our houses, huts, caravans, shelters, tents, blocks, vans, cottages, caves etc... places where I hope we in a near future will thrive living amazingly with a lot less. SEE MORE CLICK HERE



EATing is about - yes you guessed it - what we EAT....why is it relevant in context to all of this. Well we consumes masses of matter everyday - so much that it has a huge effect not only on us but also on the planet we live on. You can make AMAZING FOOD WITH A LOT LESS...thats what this is about. Much more to come...but click here for now


EATing is about - yes you guessed it - what we EAT....why is it relevant in context to all of this. Well we consumes masses of matter everyday - so much that it has a huge effect not only on us but also on the planet we live on. You can make AMAZING FOOD WITH A LOT LESS...thats what this is about. Much more to come...but click here for now



LOVing is here to stay - no-one should live without love. But love has many shades and nuances. LOVE comes in many colors, tastes, forms etc. We need love and we need to be able to be emotional, sensual, sexual beings - we also need to be allowed to be spiritual, high flying sensitive and strange beings if we need that. And yes LOVE is free so to say - its a very important component on how to live AMAZINGLY WITH A LOT LESS.

SENSUSTAINABILITY is as you probably guessed a fusion of Sensual and Sustainability. Because a dimension of LOVE is of course our relationship to nature and the planet - somehow we need to find a more "sensual" way of being sustainable if you ask me - therefore SENSUSTAINABILITY - CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE


LOVing is here to stay - no-one should live without love. But love has many shades and nuances. LOVE comes in many colors, tastes, forms etc. We need love and we need to be able to be emotional, sensual, sexual beings - we also need to be allowed to be spiritual, high flying sensitive and strange beings if we need that. And yes LOVE is free so to say - its a very important component on how to live AMAZINGLY WITH A LOT LESS.

SENSUSTAINABILITY is as you probably guessed a fusion of Sensual and Sustainability. Because a dimension of LOVE is of course our relationship to nature and the planet - somehow we need to find a more "sensual" way of being sustainable if you ask me - therefore SENSUSTAINABILITY - CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE



GROWing is yes about how everything GROWs - not just us - but also new technology, plants, how our world and visions GROWs and expand in a matter dimension as well as in an immaterial dimension. Its also about organic gardening and farming - HOW to GROW - but as everything else here on this site its about how to GROW amazingly consuming a lot less...CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE


GROWing is yes about how everything GROWs - not just us - but also new technology, plants, how our world and visions GROWs and expand in a matter dimension as well as in an immaterial dimension. Its also about organic gardening and farming - HOW to GROW - but as everything else here on this site its about how to GROW amazingly consuming a lot less...CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE



MOVing is about how we move - how we transport ourselves and how we do it AMAZINGLY using a lot less. Its how we enjoy life to the fullest by biking, walking, flying electric etc... its also about how we move out bodies - and how we move and move and move - mentally all the time....its time to move - its time to become for many to become modern nomades again...its time for others to settle by moving to the right space, place or site on earth - maybe even elsewhere...but it should all happen in AMAZING ways - using a lot less. From the rough stones comes the sensual and delicate mushrooms to spice your path in life...and even mushrooms can move rocks - they actually eat them....and make them into organic matter and oxygen - now see thats MOVING....all in a perfect balance with the giant system we live in...SEE MORE CLICK HERE


MOVing is about how we move - how we transport ourselves and how we do it AMAZINGLY using a lot less. Its how we enjoy life to the fullest by biking, walking, flying electric etc... its also about how we move out bodies - and how we move and move and move - mentally all the time....its time to move - its time to become for many to become modern nomades again...its time for others to settle by moving to the right space, place or site on earth - maybe even elsewhere...but it should all happen in AMAZING ways - using a lot less. From the rough stones comes the sensual and delicate mushrooms to spice your path in life...and even mushrooms can move rocks - they actually eat them....and make them into organic matter and oxygen - now see thats MOVING....all in a perfect balance with the giant system we live in...SEE MORE CLICK HERE



WEARing is about what we put on our bodies and what we cover ourselves with in terms of incredible textiles, wonderful leather from animals that lived and departed appropriately, plastics made from recycled or biobased substances, synthetic biomaterials, wool from happy sheep, feathers from lovely free birds, fibres from incredible and sensitive plants, bushes, trees etc. Its all about understanding how to live amazingly with a lot less - also in terms of what you wear....SEE MORE CLICK HERE


WEARing is about what we put on our bodies and what we cover ourselves with in terms of incredible textiles, wonderful leather from animals that lived and departed appropriately, plastics made from recycled or biobased substances, synthetic biomaterials, wool from happy sheep, feathers from lovely free birds, fibres from incredible and sensitive plants, bushes, trees etc. Its all about understanding how to live amazingly with a lot less - also in terms of what you wear....SEE MORE CLICK HERE



We need RITEs - RITEs of passage - RITUALs - we need to understand the big cycles in and on the system - its ginourmous and yet so basic as how to enjoy eating a cake with a wonderful friend - rites about how we live are life rites that teaches us about birth, life and how to live and celebrate when we depart and transform....the final departure. We need to understand nature and all its incredible systems and cycles here on earth - yes we also need to understand the universal cycles and yes then we might really understand how we can LIVE AMAZINGLY WITH A LOT LESS. 

And yes rites often means big events - therefore Im also promoting the new MICRO MACRO HABITAT Lounges, which you will hear more about soon here on this site as well as on the MMH site.


We need RITEs - RITEs of passage - RITUALs - we need to understand the big cycles in and on the system - its ginourmous and yet so basic as how to enjoy eating a cake with a wonderful friend - rites about how we live are life rites that teaches us about birth, life and how to live and celebrate when we depart and transform....the final departure. We need to understand nature and all its incredible systems and cycles here on earth - yes we also need to understand the universal cycles and yes then we might really understand how we can LIVE AMAZINGLY WITH A LOT LESS. 

And yes rites often means big events - therefore Im also promoting the new MICRO MACRO HABITAT Lounges, which you will hear more about soon here on this site as well as on the MMH site.