welcome to my cosmic chaos…
- or a voyage into eternity
Whats it all about COSMIC CHAOS or you could call it ETERNITY - how do we comprehend or grasp this impossible dimension in life - and death - in everything… the ETERNAL DIMENSION.
I have since I was a little kid been facinated by the vastness of the universe. I looked at stars through my star telescope. I build rockets to go to the stars etc…
I believe yes that there are greater powers out there and yes that we are just part of an impossible to understand eternal story that yes has been going on forever and will continue FOREVER….. this is to me COSMIC CHAOS… impossible to grasp - possible to make anyone dream…..
Im NOT trying to visualize the universe in my work - Im solely creating my own strange universes - MICRO UNIVERSES - simply trying to understand what is going on.
You could say my images are a kind of self reflection - a very subconscious one for sure…. but its also a research into MATTER - matter that matters…. namely matter has or gets a significance since its enters another dimension - my personal COSMIC CHAOTIC DIMENSION…..