The O2goesWILD show was held at the Glypthothek - a major museum in Copenhagen, Denmark - on September 9th 1989. The show was the end of a conference and event called "Environmental Design & Product Development - a competition parameter for danish industry".
This specific page is dedicated to the show materials of various kinds from the event / conference and the O2goesWILD fashion show. You will be able to read, see and hear much more by clicking around on the various videos and links.
All these activities demanded a lot of people involved - some might not be mentioned - but none forgotten - and everyone I hope you can see on the original lists which I have copied and posted here (click here to see). And please remember that EVERYONE from the stars to the photographer, the dancers - everyone worked for free - so if I did not say it enough that time Ill say it again THANKS A MILLION TO EVERYONE THAT TOOK PART IN THIS UNIQUE HAPPENING IN 1989.
The O2goesWILD show
Below you have a series of clips from the O2goesWILD show. The show was performed by a whole big group of famous as well as less famous actors, models, artists, journalists and politicians. To name some of the more famous ones was Mads Mikkelsen who is now a world known actor - he was a dancer in 1989 and performed in the show. Søs Egelind is a very known danish actor and comedian - She was the "mother" of the show of the show and actually was announcing the various models on stage.
the O2goesWILD collection
The O2goesWILD show was presenting the O2goesWILD collection, which was a very unique and different collection of clothing entirely based on GREEN COTTON but also had a lot of funky and new concepts build into the garments. The collection was designed by Erna Olsen, Keld Rex Holm, Claus Mohr .... and myself. You can see and hear more about the O2goesWILD collection by clicking here.
The O2goesWILD catalogue
Also before the show a kind of catalogue was made. To make this another series of celebrities were asked to model - please click at their names to see who they are today. You can see further down all the amazing images taken by Per Morten Abramsen - one of Denmarks top photographers. You can see and hear more about the O2goesWILD catalogue by clicking here.
- Camilla Plum - chef, writer, TV personality etc.
- Morten Stig Kristensen - TV jounalist and sports personality
- Lars Boe Jarvad - Marketing Director
- Susanne Breuning - actress & dancer
- Lars Klingert - TV personality
Ib Jensen - environmental journalist at one of the biggest danish newspapers Politiken.
material from the o2goeswild event & show, the glypthothek, copenhagen, denmark, september 1989
videos from the show
There were so many individuals who helped with the show and the event - the preparation of the event, the making of the entire clothing collection, the show itself, the catering (organic of course, which at that time was very rare), the back stage, the make up etc....and to be honest it has not been possible to trace everyone. At the last page you (click here) you will find a list of hopefully almost everyone - if you were part of the show / event and are not on the list please contact me directly and I will add you and your eventual web link to these pages.
Enjoy the videos - unfortunately the material is a bit shaky - there is not that much material left, but no matter what these videos give an impression of the show and all the work put into setting this event up - THE FIRST GREEN COTTON FASHION SHOW IN THE UNIVERSE.
The O2goesWILD show - the EARTHY DUO & The GODDESS GALS - GREEN COTTON leisure wear clothing for women.
O2goesWILD the BOYZ - transformable casual everyday GREEN COTTON clothing for men
Images & articles from show & event
Louise & Lars Boe Jarvad - former model and marketing manager
TV & video about the event
The below video is an interview with me Niels Peter Flint from 1989 made for a local TV station right after the show. See it by clicking here and go directly to Vimeo or click below to remain here - it´s in danish.