On these pages you will find NPFLINTALES from the past - tales or stories which I find important, relevant or just inspiring - some made by me - some by others.
Its partly tales and stories from my own past - but mostly from a common past one could say. The image above makes me think that I already as a very small human being was introduced to micro living - at least when we were traveling - this picture actually shows how we as a family of 4 plus a big dog called Snapper managed to drive and sail across Denmark from the south to the west - it took almost a day at that time - but we managed - and as my mother still this day - we had plenty of room and yes I still remember those trips highlights in my life - it was true MICRO LIVING.
The longer tales have their own pages and you will see the title of the tales & stories below.
The shorter ones comes will come in a blog called The NPFlint-past-TALES.
You are welcome to explore my main site as well - www.npflint.com
The o2-denmark event & show sep. 9th 1989
One of Denmarks musical super stars but also very well esteemed actor Susanne Breuning posed as model for the O2 goes WILD collection Catalogue - read more below
O2 goes WILD
This is a real story about the first major organic and GREEN COTTON fashion show happening at The GLYPTHOTEK Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1989. Click here to read and see more about this event which was a major project and something that some people actually still remember.