Hamp (Canabis Sativa - CS) has at least 50,000 other applications than just being a drug and medicine. Hemp can among other things substitute a lot of environmentally inappropriate materials today - the hemp plant can supply everything from plastic, paper to glass (hemp) fiber, oil paint, building materials, biofuels, pet food and not least medicine - and the plant can be used for innovative development and design work and used for perhaps hundreds of thousands of other purposes.
Hemp fibres being used in the car industry for interiors
Many call hemp a “miracle plant” – and that’s kind of true just that there are no miracles really – just smart humans understanding and working with what can be supplied in abundance from nature – and when exactly being treated in environmentally appropriate ways then yes you could argue that hemp can do miracles.
But mind you – everything comes from the planet – and everything has to go back to the planet again – one way or another. Hemp can as everything else be turned into a matter that can pollute if its not fx. Processed the right way. So yes hemp is from my point of view fantastic – but it has to be treated and used “environmentally correctly” as everything else has to.
Hempboard - particle board just made with hemp shives
Hemp has come to stay.
Hamp or Canabis Sativa (CS) ought to be a separate item of the Finance Act of the budgets in any country on the planet - because there is probably no other plant or no other "material" that can supply the same huge amounts of resources - other than crude oil. There is just the slight difference that the hemp plant can be grown again every year and in just a few months it turns humus and fields into a heavenly array of possibilities - and it can grow almost all over the globe.
Hemp for food, bear, snacks etc.
Innovative and future-oriented plans for integrating hemp and similar plants into agriculture globally should be one of the major political and agricultural priorities internationally. And equally it should be on the top of the agenda for those who could use resources from hemp - and that's industries ranging from the pharma Industry to the construction industry, food industry, clothing / fashion industry, wind turbine industry etc.
article to be continued next sunday 30th of July....