GREEN COTTON - what is GC and WHO is behind.......AND A BIT MORE.....
The Green Cotton brand has been a pioneer in the manufacturing of environmentally friendly and sustainable textiles for many years. It was originally founded and created by the company Novotex A/S. Novotex was founded in 1983 by Leif Nørgaard, a visionary, Danish, textile manufacturer with a big heart for the environment.
Leif Nørgård - a true pioneer with his feet planted solid in reality, yet extremely visionary and daring. You can see the small talk that Leif Nørgård did at the O2goesWILD EVENT at the Glypthothek in Copenhagen in 1989 by clicking here
You can read more about the Novotex and Leif Nørgaard history by clicking here.
Back then, Novotex A/S was considered a first mover in growing organic cotton, producing the worlds first T-shirt based on certified organic cotton. The courage to be first mover is still a core value for Novotex and the other companies in the Green Cotton Group.
The Green Cotton Group is based on a rich tradition strongly founded in the virgin roots as well as the urge of time to follow the new trends in the world. Just like many other industries the textile industry has been and continuously is in rough waters in its constant desire to balance between the consumer’s demands, the environmental challenges and to differentiate itself in the strong competition there is on the market.
Inge Dam & Sanne Nørgaard
The Green Cotton Group want to be known for manufacturing textiles as environmentally friendly as possible and do this by being honest, trustworthy and using the most sustainable and caring manufacturing methods in every part of the production process to protect the environment as well as the people using garments made from Green Cotton fabrics.
Green Cotton has significantly lower amounts of chemicals in the final product – this being an advantage for the environment as well as for the user of the garments using Green Cotton. You can read more about this by clicking here.
As The Green Cotton Group is very proud of being able to document their environmental performance because they believe reliable documentation is the best guarantee their customers and end-consumers can have. I however believe that GREEN COTTON is so much a trust worthy brand today that it in itself is a guarantee for superb sustainable quality.
The Green Cotton Group's management system is certified in accordance with ISO14001 and ISO9001 (if you want to know more about what ISO stands for please click here).
From the worlds first GREEN COTTON FASHION SHOW held at the Glypthotek in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1989. Click on image for more info
NOVOTEX adherence to these internationally recognized standards places an environmental focus on Green Cotton products throughout the life-cycle and the Green Cotton Group actively supports life-cycle eco-labellings. The officially approved labels provide consumers with clear neutral product information.
New currents/tendencies in the debate about sustainable production create increasing expectations in relation to social responsibility, and this is why they in the Green Cotton Group today adheres to a high degree of trustworthy consciousness combined with the best available production technology, when developing and manufacturing their high quality fashion textiles - and trust me - they are REALLY high quality. I have garments from that time still doing very well - have a look here.
Click here to see a bit more about how GREEN COTTON is manufacturing garments.
From the catalogue for the O2 goes WILD show - Ib Jensen in 1989 environmental journalist at the big danish news paper Politiken - photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen
The Green Cotton Group's value chain has led to the formulation of their philosophy ‘Caring for People, Planet & Prosperity’ by which they also live in the Green Cotton Group - not only in a commercial sense, but in everything they do.
Sanne and Lasse quality controlling.
The Green Cotton Group strive to deliver the product which the market demands, carefully considering and conscious about the characteristics of raw materials and best available technology ensuring that both employees and environment and end users are getting maybe the best products available on the market today.
The following pages are designed for you who are interested in organic cotton and a bit about what NOVOTEX does in general.
NOVOTEX is today run by Lasse Simonsen, Sanne Nørgård, INge dam, maria ruston and Torben Faurholt and a faithful and very engaged staff in Denmark, Ukraine and the rest of Europe
The O2 goes WILD show in 19889 at the Glypthotek Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark